Ocean View Farm
Alemania, Cuajiniquil, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Area 245.667 m² o 24,56 hectares.
Price $ 1,10 m².
The property is located in the village Alemania in Guanacaste, which is about 20-30 minutes into the hills from the beaches at San Juanillo, Marbella, Lagarto and Playa Junquillal. This is approximately 60 minutes from Santa Cruz, and 1:15 hour south of Tamarindo on a secluded public road with little traffic.
This beautiful property has a spectacular view of the sea, from Hacienda Pinilla to Playa Guiones, as well as the valley and the mountains. It has a water view and can be seen from a whitetail deer, armadillos, howler monkeys and white-faced monkeys, to morpho butterflies and Many species of birds.
- Total Lot Size
- 24.57 ha (60.71 acre)
- Location
- Alemania, Cuajiniquil, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
- Country
- Costa Rica
- State
- Guanacaste
- County
- Santa Cruz
- District
- Cuajiniquil
- City/Town
- Alemania
- Location Type
- Countryside
- Geographic Type
- Dry Forest
- View Type
- Greenbelt View, Ocean View, Valley View
- Elevation
- 4.00 m (13.12 ft)
- Precipitation
- Seasonal
- Average Temperature
- 28 °C (82 °F)
- Street Access Type
- Unpaved Road
- Type of Water
- Well Water
- Sewer Available
- No
- Type of Internet
- Cable Internet
- Type of Television
- Cable Television, Satellite Television
- Type of Electricity
- Public
- Telephone Available
- Yes
- Price per Square Meter
- $1.10/m2 ($0.10/sqft)
- List Price
- $270,500
- Association Fees
- No
- Ownership Type
- Legal Corporation
Information regarding this property has been provided by its owner and/or the owner's agent. Propertyshelf Ltda verifies basic listing data but will not be held responsible for the information contained herein. For more information on ownership risk, please see the legal description. When purchasing property, clients are advised to consult with their own attorney.