
Sun Real Estate always offers you the best-dreamed horse farmland close to Monteverde. This amazing farm is very beautiful and calm. It is located in a small town named Guacimal which is 20 km before Monteverde. Here you will have enough space to build and do everything according to your wishes. Even though it's not far from the main beaches of the country, its high altitude lets you appreciate a wonderful view from the ocean of Puntarenas and the Gulf of Nicoya. The 10 acres that are for sale are part of a huge 505 acres mother farm.

In addition to the ocean views, you will also appreciate a wonderfully wide and long view of the valley and part of the tropical forest of Costa Rica. In fact, at the highest point of this beautiful horse farmland, you have a 360 view of the whole country and its huge oceans. Imagine living in a beautiful house self-built in which the only thing you hear is birds and what you see is a soft image of the gentle hills of Costa Rica. All of this is possible with Sun Real Estate, contact us to get your dream horse farmland.

10 acre Dream Mountain - LL2100345 (1).jpg
Listing ID
Property Type
Agricultural Land
Listing Type
Land Listing
Location Type
View Type
Greenbelt View, Valley View
Total Lot Size
4.05 ha (10.00 acre)


Dream Horse Farmland close to Monteverde

Sun Real Estate always offers you the best-dreamed horse farmland close to Monteverde. This amazing farm is very beautiful and calm. It is located in a small town named Guacimal which is 20 km before Monteverde. Here you will have enough space to build and do everything according to your wishes. Even though it's not far from the main beaches of the country, its high altitude lets you appreciate a wonderful view from the ocean of Puntarenas and the Gulf of Nicoya. The 10 acres that are for sale are part of a huge 505 acres mother farm.

In addition to the ocean views, you will also appreciate a wonderfully wide and long view of the valley and part of the tropical forest of Costa Rica. In fact, at the highest point of this beautiful horse farmland, you have a 360 view of the whole country and its huge oceans. Imagine living in a beautiful house self-built in which the only thing you hear is birds and what you see is a soft image of the gentle hills of Costa Rica. All of this is possible with Sun Real Estate, contact us to get your dream horse farmland.

As mentioned before, the dreamed horse farmland is located in Guacimal of Puntarenas, 20 km before Monteverde. The exact location is 17 km north of the Inter-American Highway (Route 1). The road access is completely paved all the way to the property. The main entrance of the beautiful dream horse mountain farmland is 300 meters from the asphalted main tourist route to Monteverde. This area of Costa Rica has many different climates throughout the year. In the summer it is very sunny but not as hot as in the gold coast region.

We are talking about 10 acres or 4 hectares of wild dream farmland in the beautiful mountainous landscapes of Monteverde Costa Rica. For a fast sale, we are offering a minimum of 10 acres but there are options of buying up to 505 acres or 205 hectares. If you buy 60 acres of this horse farmland we will offer new special prices again, this land is very beautiful and offers a lot of good features for the owner. You can do whatever you want once you are the owner of this land. Monteverde is very beautiful and visited by locals and foreign tourists. Here, as an idea, you can make a huge hotel with a restaurant and offer different tours like trail walking or horseback riding around the farm. We will be happy to show the buyer our mother farm, and he can choose his part with the direct connection to the public road in terms of size and location by mutual agreement.

What offers the 505 acres of mother farm?

The 505 dream horse farmland is a natural paradise at its finest and it offers so many important features that determine how fast the new owner realizes that this is the opportunity of his life. Within the borders of this property, you can find 7 or more natural springs with the best quality of fresh mountain water. A big part of Guacimal gets benefits from the springs that are located on this property, water has been delivered from the springs to the town through big pipes for many many years. This dream horse farmland has a great potential for developing a ¨Wild Nature¨ Hotel, a natural wellness center, or even an Eco Spa. If the owner invests smartly, he could easily turn this terrain into a gold mine.

Nowadays, the current owners use this farm for cattle and horse feeding. 80% of the property is grass and there is enough of it throughout the whole year to feed more than 200 cows. In addition, two rivers run through the property's land and they have strong studies that show great potential for a hydroelectric power plant. What could be better than living on a beautiful green farm and using renewable energy sources to take care of it? This property already has the best quality mountain water you can possibly get, it would be better if the soil was fertile… Oh, wait! The property's land is extremely fertile and ideal for growing a lot of different vegetables, fruits, trees, or bushes. This is due to its location, the land is located in one of the wealthiest mineral soil areas of Costa Rica, where there were several gold mines years ago.

Coffee growing would be a great idea for a business, I mean you would already have the land and the conditions since this terrain is already part of the coffee growing area of Monteverde. The only thing to have in mind is that here you can only grow the Caturra coffee variety because of the height of the terrain. The property is 500m over the sea level and this is perfect for Caturra coffee. Your dream horse farmland has a public gravel road frontage of over 2 km. This farmland near Monteverde has been preserved in its natural state, that's the reason for the great flora and fauna found here. This place would be a dream come true for many people, its enchanting views and fresh temperatures encourage whole families to move to Costa Rica.

Guava, Medlar, Jorco, Tuculco, Mora de Palo, White Cherry, Mozote, Dragon Fruit, Papaya, Guácimo, and many others are some of the native trees and fruits that are housed in this magic dreamt of mountain farmland. As you can see, the property already has many fruits and trees, and you can easily grow more because of its fertile soil. You can build your dreams of a self-sustainable home and take a break from your exhausting routine.

Don't let this opportunity escape from your hand and let Sun Real Estate Costa Rica help you to build your fantasies.

In addition, the dream horse farmland also has some structures already built. A big ranch that can be used for whatever the new owner wishes, like yoga sessions or family dinners. A small wooden house is built and is currently used by the caretaker of the farm. Lastly, there is a shed for cattle, this can be rebuilt into a new area of the farm or can be used for other types of animal breeding. Everything depends on the new owner, and he or she will have a free hand to make and do whatever they want with their beautiful dream horse farmland.

The price of your dream horse farmland will in the end depend on how much terrain you decide to buy from the motherland. For now, we can offer you 10 acres or 4 hectares for 60,000 USD. If you take into account all the benefits you will receive from this beautiful enchanting farm you can understand the relationship between quality and price is amazing. The closest city near the property is 5 minutes away from the property and the name is Guacimal. You won't get a better deal, stop wasting your time and contact us, let Sun Real Estate help you purchase your dream mountain farmland.

Visit us

Firstly, our Office is in Guanacaste. Located 4 km west of Daniel Oduber International Airport. Located inside and next to the German Bakery. Browse all businesses for sale or click on the link in the sidebar to see specific areas in Costa Rica. To sum up, if you have a specific property in mind you cannot find in our listings, please let us know. We will look for the best deal according to your needs. Therefore, call Costa Rica Sun Real Estate or use the contact form for more info.


Total Lot Size
4.05 ha (10.00 acre)
Guacimal, Guacimal, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Location Type
Geographic Type
Dry Forest
View Type
Greenbelt View, Valley View
4.00 m (13.12 ft)
Average Temperature
18 °C (64 °F)
Street Access Type
Unpaved Road
Type of Water
River/Stream provides Water
Type of Sewer
Type of Internet
Cable Internet
Type of Television
Cable Television, Satellite Television
Type of Electricity
Telephone Available




Information regarding this property has been provided by its owner and/or the owner's agent. Propertyshelf Ltda verifies basic listing data but will not be held responsible for the information contained herein. For more information on ownership risk, please see the legal description. When purchasing property, clients are advised to consult with their own attorney.